Samantha Stavola MHA, RDN, LD Lifestyle
March 1st, 2023
Do you struggle with setting realistic goals? Do you make an attempt every year at goal setting, only to find you fall short? The goal of this post is to help you to set realistic goals during your bariatric surgery journey avoiding unrealistic ones.
This blog will help to:
Discuss ways to cope with the colder months
Review how bariatric vitamins play a role
Describe the importance of making resolutions
Explain SMART goals
Understand why setting goals is important for your health
You’ll unavoidably find yourself at home a lot more during the colder months. If your space resembles a cave, this could be problematic.
Try feathering your nest:
Paint the walls of the room you meant to do last Spring
Hang up those vacation pictures that are already in frames
Add more pillows to the couch, making it optimal for cuddling
Wrap up in a warm thick blanket
A Recipe for Coping:
Wake up earlier for “you” time
Listen to the news or read the paper
Watch the sunrise
It’s important to keep up your social life after bariatric surgery, even in the dead of winter. Here are a few ideas to get you through all of those cold months and create some future plans with your friends:
Try going to a new Broadway show or watching a movie at the theater
Have friends over to play board games
Invite friends over to make dinner together
Brave the cold to check out the new comedy club
Getting outside and socializing with friends can help to raise your spirits and motivate you throughout the year.
Adults typically need 7-9 hours of sleep every night for optimal health.
Not getting enough sleep may alter your metabolism. Short-term deprivation can change how your body processes sugar. Lack of sleep may cause hormonal shifts, and unfortunately, these changes can lead to weight gain; another great reason to make sure you’re getting enough shut-eye.
Resolutions can be helpful and life-changing as long as they’re realistic.
It can be extremely effective to spend a few hours every few months looking at your life and reorganizing, reflecting, rethinking, and preplanning for the months that lie ahead.
Often times we go through life accomplishing what we have to, but we don’t take the time to do what really makes us happy. When you step back to evaluate, it can give you the perspective you need to keep moving forward.
If you are interested in making resolutions that remain, here are a few tips to be advantageous:
First, be sure to make your personal goals SMART goals.
S-Specific Goals
M-Measurable Goals
A-Achievable Goals
R-Realistic Goals
T-Timely Goals
Specific: Answer the five “W” questions: Who, What, Where, When, Why.
Measurable: Establish concrete criteria for measuring progress toward the attainment of each goal you set.
Achievable: Identify goals that are attainable, not impossible. Make sure you have the correct attitude, ability, skills, and resources to meet the goal.
Realistic: A goal must represent an objective you are willing and able to work towards and be sure that every goal represents substantial progress. Ask yourself: Can I do this? Am I committed? Has this been done before?
Timely: A goal should be grounded within a timeframe to create a sense of urgency and endpoint.
Small goals add up. Try setting weekly or monthly goals. Smaller goals will keep you on track throughout your bariatric journey and will help you build towards achieving your main goal.
The very act of creating written goals helps to keep them in your mind, and when you visualize your goals, you make them your priority.
And finally, when you reach your goals, you boost your self-esteem, develop new skills, and move further toward the happy life you want to achieve. Remember to Celebrate your successes all year long!
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