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Picture of Capsules, tablets, and soft chewables.

Bariatric Vitamins 101

Essential Vitamins and Minerals After Bariatric Surgery
Life after bariatric surgery brings exciting changes, but it's also important to take care of your body's nutritional needs. This section highlights the crucial vitamins and minerals you'll need to thrive.

Why Supplements Matter
Bariatric surgery changes how your body absorbs nutrients. To stay healthy, you'll need to take specific vitamins and minerals daily. We've focused on the most important ones to help you understand why they're essential.

Your Personalized Nutrition Plan
While this information provides a solid foundation, it's not a complete guide to all necessary supplements. Your doctor will recommend the best plan for you based on your individual needs. Remember, choosing the right supplements and taking them consistently is key to your overall well-being.

Questions Answered
Whether you've recently had bariatric surgery or are considering it, this information can help. Keep reading to learn more about the vitamins and minerals in our products.

Picture of assorted fruits, vegtables, and nuts high in Vitamin A.

Vitamin A

Balancing Vision,
Skin Health, & Safety

Picture of fruits that are high in Vitamin C inclding berries, kiwi, and apples.

Vitamin C

Your Shield Against Oxidative Stress & Iron's Best Friend

Picture of foods high in Vitamin D including seafood, eggs, nuts, and vegetables.

Vitamin D

Building Strong Bones,Boosting Immunity &Brightening Your Mood

Picture of foods high in Thiamin including leafy greens, nuts, and brocoli


Energize Your Body & Protect Your Heart Post-Surgery

Picture of foods high in vitamin B-12 including nuts, aples, and avacado.


Fueling New Life & Guarding Against Deficiency

Picture of foods high in Folate including fruit and berries.


Supporting Cell Health &Prenatal Wellness with the Right Bariatric Dose.

Picture of foods high in calcium including eggs and cheese.


Building Strong Bones &Boosting Health Beyond Expectations

Picture of foods high in iron including mea, tonatoes, and rice


Energizing Your Body &Empowering Your Recovery

Picture of foods high in magnesium including avacado, grapefruit, and kiwi.


Strengthening Bones & Calming the Mind

Picture of a sugar cube

Sweetening Smart

How Celebrate Chooses Safe Alternatives for Your Health

In order to make a great tasting chewable or drink mix supplement, it is necessary to utilize some form of sweetener. Since many bariatric surgery patients react negatively to sugar (and since it has higher calories associated with it) we try to minimize the use of sugar in our products. Celebrate® does use some artificial sweeteners but will NEVER use Aspartame or Acesulfame potassium (Ace-K) due to the low rating by these products by the CSPI (Center for Science in the Public Interest). These sweeteners are used by several of our competitors.